So, I am finally at a computer that has fast enough internet to load some photos. So, here are a couple. These are some from training that are now past tense, but still cool. For example, here is a photo of my family that I lived with for 2 months. They were really great. Here is my mom Bua, my dad Samu, and my brother Mosese. (The short one is Sally). My brother was 23 years old and I really like him. We are planning a visit by him to Koro.
Here is a photo of my house that I lived in for 2 months. While it didn't look like a gem from the outside, my mom was really great and she kept a pretty clean house. I'll take small and clean any day. .
The shot of the buckets and chair is my shower. There wasn't actually a shower so we used the buckets. It works pretty well and I am starting to enjoy the bucket method of bathing. The mosquitos in the shower I never got used to. I am not very good at this blog thing so I can't figure out how to add more photos to this post. So, I am going to start another one. Be right back.
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