Friday, July 10, 2009

Thoughts on Illness

Here are some things that I have learned about illness from living in Fiji that I didn't know before:

1. All sickness is caused by cold getting into your body. It is not important how hot the weather is because cold can still get in there even if it is 90 degrees out.
2. There is no such thing as a fever as all illness comes from being cold. (This is self-evident from #1 above.)
3. Any illness that cannot be traced to the cold can easily blamed on eating non-Fijian food, such as that made by the Indo-Fijians. Who knows what they put in their food.
4. All illness should be treated with heat--putting on as much clothes as you can and refusing cool liquids, such as water. The only fluids that you should take are hot teas. Socks are very important in this regard.
5. You cannot catch illnesses from other people, excepting in the case that the cold got into all of you together. While viruses and bacteria may exist, their role in illness is questionable at best.

Some crazy virus just swept through the Peace Corps folks (in addition to a whole lot of Fijians). it was less than pleasant. On the other hand, I just went snorkeling and it was amazing. Two weeks until I head off to Koro Island. That is when this blog should really start getting interesting.


  1. Just thought I'd let you know that the Giants own the second best record in the NL(guess who's 1st?). You did not have too much grog nor did I. It pains me to type these words but I figured you might enjoy a taste of NorCal baseball.

    Let me know if you need us to send you some Airborne or EmergenC.

    Alex misses his Uncle Brian and Aunt Sassa

  2. I have to admit that Ashley has this funny cure for a fever that she swears by, and it TOO involves socks....wet ones... double layered cotton and wool...It too is not pleasant.
